About me
I'm excited to meet you and share my story so we can better connect and collaborate going forward.
My core causes
(1) Align
Clarify correctly.
(2) Empower
Create synergy.

Who I am
After taking eight mainstream credible personality tests over a decade, I have been consistently described as a shaper. I habitually visualize ambitious objectives, set plans, and push through (while inspiring others to join) until they are fulfilled. You can likely relate to this, which means we can overcome obstacles together in our complementary roles on your team. The market need not understand our vision yet, because we will have them adopt it over time.
A growth journey
Gaining a global view
My life has fused "hard knocks" and academic exploration. Beginning at the spirited age of 6, I sold candy door-to-door. By age 18, I sold coupon books, magazines, and fine cutlery. Never was there a dull moment when doors were shut in my face. Yet, I persevered and improved. Anything I was given, I consistently sold more of than any teammate, music colleague, or schoolmate.
Learning to work
Working to learn
Good fortune has been on my side when I pay attention to details. With the ability to sell, I transitioned into marketing. I still focused on selling, but now had a computer screen in front of me in lieu of a door. With gusto, I learned the ins-and-outs of marketing, advertising, and ancillary topics such as design.
My start was in Silicon Valley when I entered this world in July, 1991. During childhood, my parents exposed me to the world and its culture. By 20 years old, I had toured and lived on 4 continents with people of every conceivable lifestyle. For years, I was known as the quiet ambitious guy who was a unique mix of athlete and academic.
I catalyze results by basing effort on bold intent that adheres to my principles while rapidly researching what leads to methods that leapfrog trivial tasks. This helps me learn new markets fast and lead using coherency in cultures needing it. Every day is a chance to clarify what compels and aim for this message to spark more momentum.
Upleveling daily
My inspirations
My sources of inspiration come from proficient professionals like you. For a decade (and counting), I have been systematically learning daily from thousands of professionals across dozens of disciplines to understand human motives and how to become our best selves by leveraging it. I extract their insights and integrate them into my broader systems of thinking which I select from and offer as tailored services for your team.
"CJ is fantastic. He has the intelligence, drive, and technical know-how to really get a project starting and moving forward from the ground up. He possesses several traits that not all founders have, which is, strength in planning, development, project-management and execution. He is a leader in his field and clearly a future star."
Rabeh Soofi
CEO & Managing Attorney, Axis Legal Counsel